uses of rose water for face,hair & eyes?

we have many uses of rose water and we have took experiments on uses for rose water.benefits of rose water has a wide range.

If the roses are red, then why not you?.Desire of every girl is to look most beautiful.she dreams about she and her skin look like roses which are fabulous.rose water can be helpful in fulfilling this wish. rose water is extracted from rose petals, which is considered better for the skin and hair care. It is better to prepare it home than buy from the market.

how to use rose water for beauty
how to use rose water for beauty

How to make and use Rose water? 

 checkout: 12 tips for skin burn

1.first take fresh rose petals in water in a container to boil put on hold

.2. when it gets boiled.cover the pot well and leave it to cool. Now leave it for 24 hours in the fridge.after cooling take it back.

3. Now then pull it out when it gets cold. It will always remain fresh in the refrigerator. this is one of natural way of glow skin.

uses of rose water for beauty of face and hair

take towel and immerse it in Rosewater than apply it on your entire face and neck. This will not only  wash face but also open up the pores and make the skin fresh. 

If you prepares any face pack you can mix few drops of rosewater in it.It makes face pack quite useful.

3. multani clay ( fullers earth) is considered very useful in face pack. Rosewater must be used in prepare face pack with clay. fruit open pores and remove dead skin cells.Put dry orange in a grinder and mix  little bit rose water in it. Now apply face pack on face and neck than leave for 15 minutes and wash with cold water and watch your shining skin. 

How to use rose water for beauty of hair

1.give conditioner to hair through rose water. It can be used as natural moisturizer. It makes the hair soft and  brings shine in it. 
 read:10 super tips for hair beauty

2.If you want Silky hair,take half a bucket of water and put some drops of  rosewater. The hair will shine. 

3.Mix olive oil with rosewater for good growth of hair.Apply this mixture on your head and massage well.

4. Leave undisturbed for 2 hours and then wash with shampoo.

This is one of natural way with out chemical products for get beauty in easy way.we strongly believe that rose water will help you in boost your beauty.

How to use rose water for eyes

whenever your eyes feel tired and feels pain may be because of watching television,work load of computer related work. follow this steps
1.just lie on bed put few drops in eyes and close your eyes. for at least 15 should wait for get your eyes fully relaxed. it 4 to 5 times in a day.
4.your eyes will feel good surely and relaxed.

We hope this article will help you in getting and enhance your skin beauty naturally.

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